Wednesday, November 19, 2014

Fireworks carnivorous plant

Drosera paradoxa,the real name of this plant. :)
Doesn't it resembles fireworks? How beautiful.

It's a carnivorous plant meaning they trap tiny insects on their sticky mucilage as you can see from the photo above (the tiny tiny hair-like droplets which look like dew). Mucilage act like a glue or UHU that will trap insects. :) 
I can see that they are doing good in my garden as they're trapping ants everyday. 

Now you see..
They have tiny pink flower born on a long hairy stalk.  
Now you don't! 

My next mission is to propagate them asexually (leaf pulling). I hope my 'green fingers' don't fail me. 

Wish me luck! ^_^

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