Thursday, November 27, 2014

Gandum 干冬

While shopping in Tesco, both of us suddenly feel like eating gandum. It's my first time cooking this. :)

First and for all, soak the gandum or wheat grains in water for overnight. Or else you'll need longer time to cook it thoroughly. I mean really really long time.

soak until it swollen and soften

Then pick out the 'rotten' grains if there is any. Grains with wheat weevil to be exact. ** Will blog about this later. I know, it's disgusting right. 

Then cook in rice cooker with a knot of pandan leaves. Easy peasy lemon squeezy.

Then, my secret ingredient or not so secret at all. I replaced coconut milk with soy milk. ^_^

I've read that a cup of coconut milk contains 50 g of saturated fats which exceed the recommended allowance by twice if not mistaken. However, those reports are contradicting to each other, some said it's good, some said it's bad especially for those with high cholesterol problem which is me. So to be on the safe side, better avoid santan.

I added two table spoons of gula merah to get the amber colour. Looks more appetizing. :)

Try with soy milk instead of santan, I'm sure you will ask for another bowl.

Monday, November 24, 2014

Pipi the tree shrew

On a sunny day, a tree shrew with the name of Pipi was enjoying the sun above a bed of sunflowers...

Oh No!
Cumulonimbus with thunderstorm !!



I'm Ok~

Thursday, November 20, 2014

Are you a shopaholic fans?

Yes I Am!!
I have the box set series.

*sniff sniff* What's this thing? *sniff* sniff*

Oh look!! I'm taller than this thing. Yippie~
Last week while wandering in Popular bookstore, I saw her new launching book! and it's a continuation of the shopaholic series. I'm gonna get it for sure!

If you're SK's fans especially Shopaholic series and you're unaware of this new book, please go and grab it now!

Happy reading! 

Wednesday, November 19, 2014

Fireworks carnivorous plant

Drosera paradoxa,the real name of this plant. :)
Doesn't it resembles fireworks? How beautiful.

It's a carnivorous plant meaning they trap tiny insects on their sticky mucilage as you can see from the photo above (the tiny tiny hair-like droplets which look like dew). Mucilage act like a glue or UHU that will trap insects. :) 
I can see that they are doing good in my garden as they're trapping ants everyday. 

Now you see..
They have tiny pink flower born on a long hairy stalk.  
Now you don't! 

My next mission is to propagate them asexually (leaf pulling). I hope my 'green fingers' don't fail me. 

Wish me luck! ^_^

Monday, November 17, 2014

Victoria ' s secret 'revealed'

V'S revealed  review to be exact. hehe

When I opened the cap of the tube, flowery fruity fragrance was emitted. Hmm..nice.. .Then without any doubt I applied this body balm on my legs after bath. Thinking it could work like perfume as well.

However after 10 min of application, I started to feel nausea. But I thought it was because I stood up too quick from squatting. So I continue to clean and tidy up the house. When I proceed to clean 2nd floor of my house, I was surprised that the smell of V'S body balm was so intense! My whole house was infused with the flowery smell!

I immediately opened all windows and doors. And I felt more ok and 'breathable'.

The smell of this body balm is as powerful as durian!

Texture of this body balm is not to my liking. It's watery at 1st but waxy after application. When in contact with water it feels soapy.

The only thing I like about this product is the body balm is in light baby pink colour and the baby pink packaging.
